GPB 221 principles of seed technology notes

 TOPIC 01.Seed and Seed Technology:- Introduction, Definition and Importance

Topic 02 caDeteriorationuses of crop varieties and their control; Maintenance of genetic purity during seed production

Topic 03Seed Quality:- Definition, Characters of Good Quality Seeds; Different Classes of seed

Topic 04Seed Quality:- Definition, Characters of Good Quality Seeds; Different Classes of seed

Topic General Procedure of Foundation and Certified Seed Production

Topic 05Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Fodder Crops

Topic 06Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Pulses

Topic 07Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Oil Seed Crops

Topic 08Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Vegetables - I

Topic 09Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Vegetables - II

Topic 10Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Vegetables - III)

Topic 11Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Seed Spices

Topic 12Seed Certification, Phases of Certification, Procedure for Seed Certification, Field Inspection

Topic 13Seed Act and Seed Act Enforcement. Duty and Powers of Seed Inspector, Offences and Penalties. Seeds Control Order 1983

Topic 14Varietal Identification through Grow Out Test and Electrophoresis, Molecular and Biochemical test

Topic 15Detection of Genetically Modified Crops, Transgene Contamination in Non-GM Crops

Topic 16GM Crops and Organic Seed Production

Topic 17Seed Drying: Principles and Methods

Topic 18Seed Processing and Their Steps

Topic 19Seed Testing for Quality Assessment

Topic 20Seed Treatment, its Importance, Method of Application and Seed Packing

TOPIC 21Seed Storage: General Principles, Stages and Factors Affecting Seed Longevity During Storage. Measures for Pest and Disease Control During Storage-

Topic 22Seed Marketing: Structure and Organization, Sales Generation Activities, Promotional Media. Factors Affecting Seed Marketing, Role of WTO and OECD in Seed Marketing


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