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Seed Quality:- Definition, Characters of Good Quality Seeds; Different Classes of seed


Seed Quality:- Definition, Characters of Good Quality Seeds; Different Classes of seed

         (Seed Quality):- उन्नत किस्म के बीज की अंकुरण क्षमता, बीज ओज, बीज स्वास्थ्य, बीज नमी, भौतिक शुद्धता  आनुवंशिक शुद्धता को सम्मिलित रूप से बीज गुणत्ता कहते हैं।

(The germination capacity, seed vigor, seed health, seed moisture, physical purity and genetic purity of seed of improved variety is combinedly known as seed quality.)

गुणत्ता सम्पन्न बीज के लक्षण (Characters of Good Quality Seeds):- अच्छे बीज को 2 प्रकारों में विभाजित किया गया है –

(Good seeds are divided into 2 types -)

1. उन्नत बीज (Improved Seed)

2. उत्तम बीज (Superior Seed)

1. उन्नत बीज के लक्षण (Characters of Improved Seed):- उन्नत किस्म का बीज जो स्थानीय किस्मों से बेहतर होता है, उन्नत बीज कहलाता है। इसमें निम्न लक्षण होते हैं –

(The seed of improved variety which is better than the local variety is called improved seed. It has the following characters -)

Ø  अधिक उपज (Higher Yield)

Ø  अच्छी गुणवत्ता (Better Quality)

Ø  कृषि कार्यों में सुविधा (Better suited to agronomic practices)

Ø  संवेदनशीलता (Responsiveness)

Ø  अधिक अनुकूलता (Wider Adaptability)

Ø  विपरीत दशाओं के प्रति रोधिता (Resistance to adverse conditions)

Ø  सही  समकालिक परिपक्वता (Proper and synchronous maturity)

2. उत्तम बीज के लक्षण (Characters of Superior Seed):- इसमें निम्न लक्षण होते हैं –

(It has the following characters -)

Ø  अधिक भौतिक शुद्धता (High Physical Purity)

Ø  उचित नमी (Optimum moisture)

Ø  अधिक आनुवंशिक शुद्धता (High genetic purity)

Ø  समरूपता - बीज रंग, रूप  आकार (Uniformity – Seed colour, shape and size)

Ø  अधिक जैविकता – न्यूनतम 90% (More viability – Minimum 90%)

Ø  अच्छा बीज स्वास्थ्य (Good Seed Health)

बीज सूचकांक (Seed Index):-

Ø  100 बीजों का भार बीज सूचकांक कहलाता है।

(The weight of 100 seeds is called Seed Index.)

Ø  बड़े बीजों को मापने के लिए इसका उपयोग किया जाता है।

(It is used to measure large seeds.)

Ø  उदाहरण (Example):- मक्का (Maize), चना (Gram), सोयाबीन (Soybean)

परीक्षण भार (Test Weight):-

Ø  1000 बीजों का भार परीक्षण भार कहलाता है।

(The weight of 1000 seeds is called Test Weight.)

Ø  छोटे बीजों को मापने के लिए इसका उपयोग किया जाता है।

(It is used to measure small seeds.)

Ø  उदाहरण (Example):- सरसों (Mustard), राई (Rye)

Real Value of Seed:-

Ø  बीज प्रमाणीकरण के दौरान किसी किस्म के जितने प्रतिशत बीज पौधे उत्पन्न करते हैं, RV कहलाता है।

(The percentage of seeds that produce plants during seed certification is called RV.)

Ø  इसे Utility percentage of Seed भी कहते हैं।

(It is also called Utility percentage of Seed.)

Ø  कपास के लिए RV का मान 65% होता है जो Field crops में न्यूनतम है।

(The value of RV for cotton is 65% which is minimum in the field crops.)

Ø  मक्का के लिए RV का मान 90% होता है जो Field crops में अधिकतम है।

(The value of RV for maize is 90%, which is maximum in the field crops.)

Ø  Critical RV:- RV के 70% मान को नाजुक माना जाता है।

(70% value of RV is considered critical.)

i. ऐसे बीज या बीज ढेर जिनके लिए RV का मान 70% से कम होता है उन्हें बीज प्रमाणीकरण के लिए फेल किया जाता है।

(Seeds or seed lot for which the RV value is less than 70% is failed for seed certification.)

ii. ऐसे बीज या बीज ढेर जिनके लिए RV का मान 70% से अधिक होता है उन्हें बीज प्रमाणीकरण के लिए पास किया जाता है।

(Seeds or seed lot for which the RV value is more than 70% is passed for seed certification.)

Q.1. यदि एक किस्म के बीजों की शुद्धता 85% तथा अंकुरण 90% हो तो इस किस्म की RV ज्ञात करो।

(If the purity of one variety of seeds is 85% and the germination is 90%, then find the RV of this variety.)

Q.2. यदि एक किस्म के 1000Kg बीजों में 890Kg शुद्ध बीज तथा अंकुरण 94% हो तो इस किस्म की RV ज्ञात करो।

(If 1000Kg seeds of one variety contain 890Kg pure seeds and germination is 94%, then find the RV of this variety.)

Dockage:- किसी बीज नमूने में उपस्थित अशुद्धियों की प्रतिशत मात्रा को Dockage कहते हैं।

(The percent amount of impurities present in a seed sample is called Dockage.)

बीज के विभिन्न वर्ग (Different classes of seed):- ICIA (International Crop Improvement Associationके अनुसार शुद्ध बीज 4 प्रकार के होते हैं –

[According to ICIA (International Crop Improvement Association) there are 4 types of pure seeds -]

1. प्रजनक बीज (Breeder seed)

2. आधार बीज (Foundation seed)

3. पंजीकृत बीज (Registered seed)

4. प्रमाणीकृत बीज (Certified seed)

1. प्रजनक बीज (Breeder seed):-

Ø  ऐसे शुद्ध बीज जिन्हें प्रत्यक्ष रूप से पादप प्रजनक की देखरेख में उत्पादित किया जाता है, प्रजनक बीज कहलाते हैं।

(Pure seeds that are produced directly under the supervision of plant breeders are called breeder seeds.)

Ø  ये बीज सभी आनुवंशिक आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करते हैं।

(These seeds fulfill all genetic requirements.)

Ø  ये बहुत अधिक शुद्ध  महंगे होते हैं, इसलिए बहुत कम मात्रा में उत्पादित होते हैं।

(They are very pure and expensive, so are produced in very small quantity.)

Ø  इनकी आनुवंशिक शुद्धता 99.9% होती है।

(They have 99.9% of genetic purity.)

Ø  इसके पैकेट पर Golden tag का उपयोग किया जाता है।

(The Golden tag is used on its packet.)

Ø  कई बार प्रजनक बीज बहुत ही अल्प मात्रा में प्राप्त होता है जिसे नाभिक बीज (Nucleus seedकहते हैं। इसके गुणन द्वारा फिर प्रजनक बीज तैयार किया जाता है।

(Many times breeder seed is obtained in a very small quantity which is called Nucleus seed. The breeder seed is then produced by its multiplication.)

2. आधार बीज (Foundation seed):-

Ø  इसका उत्पादन प्रजनक बीज के प्रवर्धन से होता है।

(It is produced by the propagation of breeder seed.)

Ø  इन्हें मातृक बीज (Mother seedभी कहते हैं। क्योंकि भारत में आधार बीज से ही प्रमाणीकृत बीज का उत्पादन किया जाता है।

(They are also called mother seeds. Because certified seed is produced from foundation seed in India.)

Ø  आधार बीज के उत्पादन का कार्य NSC (National Seed Corporation) के द्वारा किया जाता है।

[Production of foundation seed is done by NSC (National Seed Corporation).]

Ø  इनकी आनुवंशिक शुद्धता 99.5% - 99.9% होती है।

(Its genetic purity is 99.5% - 99.9%.)

Ø  इनकी भौतिक शुद्धता 98% होती है।

(Its physical purity is 98%.)

Ø  इनके पैकेट पर White tag का उपयोग किया जाता है।

(White tag is used on its packets.)

3. पंजीकृत बीज (Registered seed):-

Ø  इसका उत्पादन आधार बीज के प्रवर्धन से होता है।

(It is produced by the propagation of foundation seed.)

Ø  पंजीकृत बीज के उत्पादन का कार्य SSC (State Seed Corporationके द्वारा किया जाता है।

[The production of registered seed is done by the State Seed Corporation.]

Ø  वास्तव में पंजीकृत बीज का उत्पादन किसान करते हैं परन्तु SSC के वैज्ञानिक किसानों का तकनीकी मार्गदर्शन  देखरेख करते हैं।

(In fact, the registered seeds are produced by the farmers, but SSC scientists provide technical guidance and care to the farmers.)

Ø  पंजीकृत बीज में संतोषजनक आनुवंशिक शुद्धता होती है।

(Registered seeds have satisfactory genetic purity.)

Ø  इनके पैकेट पर Purple tag का उपयोग किया जाता है।

(Purple tag is used on its packets.)

Ø  भारत में बीज का यह वर्ग प्रचलन में नहीं है।

(This class of seed is not in use in India.)

 4. प्रमाणीकृत बीज (Certified seed):-Ø  इसका उत्पादन आधार बीज या पंजीकृत बीज के प्रवर्धन से होता है।

(It is produced by propagation of foundation or registered seed.)

Ø  भारत में इसका उत्पादन आधार बीज के प्रवर्धन से किया जाता है।

(In India, it is produced by the propagation of foundation seed.)

Ø  यह सामान्य रूप से बाजार में किसानों के लिए उपलब्ध होता है।

(It is normally available to farmers in the market.)

Ø  यह सबसे सस्ता होता है क्योंकि इसकी आनुवंशिक शुद्धता सबसे कम होती है। परन्तु फिर भी यह संतोषजनक स्तर की होती है।

(It is the cheapest because it has the lowest genetic purity. But still it is of satisfactory level.)

 Ø  इसका प्रमाणीकरण SSCA (State Seed Certification Agencyके द्वारा किया जाता है। SSCA की देखरेख में इनका उत्पादन किया जाता है।

[It is certified by the SSCA (State Seed Certification Agency). These are produced under the supervision of SSCA.]

Ø  इनके पैकेट पर Blue tag का उपयोग किया जाता है।

(Blue tags are used on its packets.)

नोट (Note):- आनुवंशिक शुद्धता का क्रम (Order of Genetic Purity) –

सत्य अंकित बीज (Truthfully Labeled Seeds Or TFL seeds):- कभी – कभी बीज का उत्पादन स्वंय किसानों के द्वारा निश्चित मापदण्डों को अपनाते हुए किया जाता है। परन्तु किसी प्रमाणीकरण संस्था की देखरेख के बिना होने के करण इस बीज को प्रमाणीकरण संस्था का प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त नहीं हो पाता है। इन्हें TFL seeds कहते हैं।

   (Sometimes the seeds are produced by the farmers themselves, following certain criteria. But due to being without the supervision of any certification agency, this seed does not get the certificate of the certification agency. These are called TFL seeds.)


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