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Seed and Seed Technology:- Introduction, Definition and Importance


Seed and Seed Technology:- Introduction, Definition and Importance 

बीज  बीज प्रौधौगिकी:- परिचय, परिभाषा  महत्व  (Seed and Seed Technology:- Introduction, Definition and Importance)
बीज (Seed):- बीज को 2 प्रकार से परिभाषित किया जा सकता है –
(Seed can be defined in 2 ways -)
1. सस्यवैज्ञानिक परिभाषा (Agronomical Definition)
2. वानस्पतिक परिभाषा (Botanical Definition)
1. सस्यवैज्ञानिक परिभाषा (Agronomical Definition):- ह्रासित या अविकसित रूप में फसल का जीवित अंग जिसे प्रवर्धन के लिए अर्थात नई फसल उगाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है, बीज कहलाता है।
(The living organ of the crop in a reduced or undeveloped form which is used for propagation, it means to grow a new crop, is called seed.)

2. वानस्पतिक परिभाषा (Botanical Definition):- निषेचित बीजाण्ड जिसमें साबुत भ्रूण, संग्रहित भोजन  बीज चोल पाये जाते हैं, बीज कहलाता है। बीज जीवनक्षम होता है अर्थात इसके अंकुरण से नया पौधा विकसित होता है।
(The fertilized ovule which contains intact embryo, stored food and seed coat. is called seed. The seed is viable, means a new plant develops from its germination.)
बीज जीवनक्षमता (Seed Viability):- बीज की अंकुरित होने की क्षमता को बीज जीवन क्षमता कहते हैं।
(The germination ability of seed is called seed viability.)
बीज का विकास (Development of Seed):- फसली पौधों में लैंगिक जनन के फलस्वरूप बीज का निर्माण होता है। पुष्प का मादा जनन भाग अण्डप कहलाता है। अण्डप में 3 भाग होते हैं – वर्तिकाग्र, वर्तिका  अंडाशय। अंडाशय के अंदर बीजाण्ड पाये जाते हैं।निषेचन के पश्चात अंडाशय फल में परिवर्धित हो जाता है और बीजाण्ड   बीज में परिवर्धित हो जाता है।
(Seed is formed as a result of sexual reproduction in crop plants. The female reproductive part of the flower is called the carpel. The carpel has 3 parts - stigma, style and ovary. Ovules are found inside the ovary. After fertilization, the ovary develops into fruit and the ovule turns into seed.)
परागकण में 2 नर केंद्रक होते हैं। निषेचन के दौरान एक नर केंद्रक अण्ड कोशिका से युग्मन करके द्विगुणित   जाइगोट बनाता है और दूसरा नर केंद्रक 2 ध्रुवीय केन्द्रकों से युग्मन करके त्रिगुणित PEN बनाता है। 
(Pollen contain 2 male nuclei. During fertilization, one male nucleus get fused with egg cell and makes a diploid zygote, while the other male nucleus get fused with 2 polar nuclei and makes a triploid PEN.)
जाइगोट भ्रूण में परिवर्धित हो जाता है और PEN भ्रूणपोष में परिवर्धित हो जाता है। इस प्रकार परिपक्व बीज   के अन्दर भ्रूण  भ्रूणपोष बन जाते हैं। भ्रूणपोष भ्रूण को पोषण प्रदान करने का कार्य करता है।
(The zygote develops into the embryo and PEN develops into the endosperm. In this way, embryo and endosperm are formed inside the mature seed. Endosperm provide nutrition to the embryo.)
अनाज   बीज में अन्तर (Difference between grain and seed):-

अनाज (Grain)

बीज (Seed)

i. कम अंकुरण क्षमता (Low germination capacity)

i. अधिक अंकुरण क्षमता (High germination capacity)

ii. कम जीवन क्षमता (Less viability)

ii. अधिक जीवन क्षमता (More viability)

iii. कम भौतिक शुद्धता (Low physical purity)

iii. अधिक भौतिक शुद्धता (High physical purity)

iv. कम आनुवंशिक शुद्धता (Low genetic purity)

iv. अधिक आनुवंशिक शुद्धता (High genetic purity)

v. अधिक पोषण (More nutrition)

v. कम पोषण (Less nutrition)

vi. अनाउपचारित  खाने योग्य (Non-treated and edible)

vi. उपचारित  खाने अयोग्य (Treated and non – edible)

बीज प्रौधौगिकी (Seed Technology):- कृषि विज्ञान की वह शाखा जिसमें उन्नत और उच्च गुणवत्ता सम्पन्न बीजों के उत्पादन, संसाधन, भंडारण, परीक्षण  वितरण का अध्ययन किया जाता है, बीज प्रौधौगिकी कहलाती है।
(The branch of agriculture deals with the study of production, processing, storage, testing and distribution of improved and high quality seed, is called seed technology.)

बीज प्रौधौगिकी का महत्व (Importance of seed technology):-
1. अधिक उपज (Higher Yield):- उत्तम बीज का उपयोग करने से अधिक उत्पादन होता है।
(The use of quality seeds leads to greater production.)

2कम लागत (Lower Cost):- उत्तम बीज का उपयोग करने से उर्वरक, सिंचाई, उपकरण, कीटनाशी  श्रम पर लागत कम आती है। जबकि खराब बीज का उपयोग करने से अन्य लागत व्यर्थ जाती है।
(Use of superior seed reduces the costs on fertilizer, irrigation, equipment, pesticides and labor. While other costs are wasted by using bad seeds.)

3. अधिक आय (More Income):- वैज्ञानिक विधि से उत्पादित बीज कीटों  रोगों से बचाव के लिए उपचारित किया गया होता है। जिससे प्राप्त उपज अधिक होने के साथ साथ अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाली होती है जिसका बाजार में भाव   अच्छा मिलता है।
(The seed produced by scientific method is treated to prevent pests and diseases. Due to which the yield obtained is high as well as of good quality, which gets good price in the market.)

4. विश्वसनीयता (Reliability):- किसान को यह विश्वास रहता है कि जो बीज वह खरीद रहा है, वह उन्नत किस्म का है।
(The farmer believes that the seed he is buying is of improved quality.)

5. सही जानकारी (Correct Information):-
·         बीज पैकेट पर लगे लेबल पर निम्न जानकारी दी होती है :–
(The label on the seed packet gives the following information:-)
i. प्राप्त बीज की वंशावली (Pedigree of obtained seed)
ii. भौतिक शुद्धता प्रतिशत (Physical purity percent)
iii. आनुवंशिक शुद्धता प्रतिशत (Genetic purity percent)
iv. अंकुरण प्रतिशत (Germination percent)
v. नमी प्रतिशत (Moisture content)
·         कृषि विधियों की जानकारी विषयक पत्रक पैकेट के अन्दर रखा रहता है।
(Information paper about agricultural methods is kept inside the packet.)


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