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Seed Testing for Quality Assessment


गुणवत्ता निर्धारण के लिए बीज परीक्षण (Seed Testing for Quality Assessment):-
बीज परीक्षण (Seed Testing):- 
यह एक बीज ढेर के मानकों को निर्धारित करने की एक प्रक्रिया है ताकि किसानों को गुणवत्ता सम्पन्न बीज उपलब्ध हो सके।
(It is a process of determining the standards of a seed lot so that good quality seeds can make available to the farmers.)
उद्देश्य (Objectives):- बीज परीक्षण अनेक उद्देश्यों के लिए किया जाता है –
(Seed testing is done for several purposes -)
Ø  गुणवत्ता समस्याओं  उनके कारणों को पहचानना
(To identify quality problems and their causes)
Ø  बीज सुखाई व संसाधन के लिए आवश्यकताओं को निर्धारित करना।
(To determine the requirements for processing and seed drying.)
Ø  यह निर्धारित करना कि बीज गुणवत्ता मानकों को पूरा करते हैं अथवा नहीं।
(To determine whether seeds meet quality standards or not.)
Ø  कम गुणवत्ता के बीज रोपण से बचना।
(To avoid planting of low quality seeds.)
अनिवार्य (Compulsory):- बीज प्रमाणीकरण  बीज संबंधी नियमों को लागू करने के उद्देश्य से बीज नमूनों का परीक्षण 1996 में बीज अधिनियम के अंतर्गत अनिवार्य कर दिया गया।
( Testing of seed samples was made mandatory under the Seed Act in 1996 for the purpose of seed certification and implementing seed related rules.)
गुणवत्ता निर्धारण परीक्षण (Quality Assessment Tests):-
a. बीज नमी परीक्षण (Seed Moisture Test)
b. बीज अंकुरण परीक्षण (Seed Germination Test)
c. बीज जीवन क्षमता परीक्षण (Seed Viability Test)
d. भौतिक शुद्धता परीक्षण (Physical Purity Test)
e. बीज ओज परीक्षण (Seed Vigor Test)
f. बीज स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण (Seed Health Test)
g. ग्रो आउट परीक्षण (Grow Out Test)
a. बीज नमी परीक्षण (Seed Moisture Test):-
Ø  बीज नमी प्रतिशत एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण कारक है जो बीज गुणवत्ता  भंडारण क्षमता को प्रभावित करता है।
(Seed moisture percentage is a very important factor that affects seed quality and storage ability.)
Ø  बीज नमी प्रतिशत को ज्ञात करने के लिए 2 विधियों का उपयोग किया जाता है –
(To find the seed moisture percentage, 2 methods are used -)
i. Air Oven Method
ii. Moisture meter method
Ø  बीज नमी प्रतिशत को प्रदर्शित करने के 2 आधार हैं:-
(There are 2 bases for representing seed moisture percentage: -)
i. नम भार आधार (Wet weight basis)
ii. शुष्क भार आधार (Dry weight basis)
i. नम भार आधार (Wet weight basis):- 
यदि नम बीजों का भार W1  शुष्क बीजों का भार W2 हो तो बीज नमी प्रतिशत निम्न सूत्र से निकाल सकते हैं -
(If the weight of moist seeds is W1 and the weight of dry seeds is W2, then the seed moisture percentage can be calculated from the following formula -)
ii. शुष्क भार आधार (Dry weight basis):- 
यदि नम बीजों का भार W1  शुष्क बीजों का भार W2 हो तो बीज नमी प्रतिशत निम्न सूत्र से निकाल सकते हैं -
(If the weight of moist seeds is W1 and the weight of dry seeds is W2, then the seed moisture percentage can be calculated from the following formula -)
b. बीज अंकुरण परीक्षण (Seed Germination Test):-
Ø  इस परीक्षण से यह पता चलता है कि बीज ढेर के कितने प्रतिशत बीज अंकुरित होकर स्वस्थ प्ररोह तंत्र  मूल तंत्र करेंगे।
(This test shows that what percentage of seeds in the seed lot will germinate and make healthy shoot and root system.)
Ø  प्रयोगशाला में अधिकांश जातियों के लिए इस परीक्षण में तापमान 18 से 22°के मध्य रखा जाता है।
(The temperature in this test is kept between 18 and 22°C for most species in the laboratory.)
Ø  इस परीक्षण की अवधि 7 से 28 दिन तक हो सकती है। यह फसल जाति पर निर्भर करती है। उदाहरण के लिए   धान्य फसलों में 7 दिन में यह परीक्षण हो जाता है।
(The duration of this test can range from 7 to 28 days. This depends on the crop species. For example, in cereal crops, this test is done in 7 days.)
Ø  अंकुरण प्रतिशत को निम्न सूत्र से निकाल सकते हैं:-
(The germination percentage can be calculated from the following formula:-)
 c. बीज जीवन क्षमता परीक्षण (Seed Viability Test):-
Ø  इसे Tz – परीक्षण या Tetrazolium – परीक्षण भी कहते हैं।
(It is also called Tz - test or Tetrazolium - test.)
Ø  इस परीक्षण से यह पता चलता है कि बीज ढेर के कितने प्रतिशत बीज जीवनक्षम हैं जिनका अंकुरित होना अपेक्षित किया जा सकता है।
(This test shows that what percentage of seeds in the seed lot are viable which can be expected to germinate.)
Ø  इस परीक्षण में एक रंगहीन रसायन 2,3,5 – Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride या bromide का उपयोग किया   जाता है। जब इस रसायन का जीवित कोशिकाओं द्वारा अपचयन होता है तो यह रसायन लाल रंग विकसित कर   लेता है।
(In this test a colourless chemical 2,3,5 - Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride or bromide is used. When this chemical is reduced by living cells, it develops red color.)
Ø  विधि (Procedure):- पेट्रीडिश में Tz को लेकर इसमें आधे कटे भ्रूण युक्त बीजों को डालकर अंधेरे में 4 घण्टे के लिए रख देते हैं। अन्त में बीजों को नल के जल से धोकर लाल रंग के बीजों को गिन लेते हैं।
(Take Tz in a petradish and put seeds in it with half-cut embryos and kept it for 4 hours in the dark. Finally, wash the seeds with tap water and count the red coloured seeds.)
Ø  अब निम्न सूत्र के उपयोग से बीज जीवन क्षमता प्रतिशत निकाल सकते हैं –
(Now, using the following formula, we can calculate the seed viability percentage -)
d. भौतिक शुद्धता परीक्षण (Physical Purity Test):-
Ø  इस परीक्षण से यह पता चलता है कि बीज ढेर में वांछित किस्म के कितने प्रतिशत शुद्ध बीज उपस्थित हैं।
(This test shows how much percentage of pure seeds of the desired variety are present in the seed lot.)
Ø  बीज ढेर में 3 प्रकार की अशुद्धियाँ होती हैं:-
(There are 3 types of impurities are found in the seed lot:-)
i. खरपतवार बीज (Weed seeds)
ii. अन्य फसल बीज (Other crop seeds)
iii. अक्रिय पदार्थ (Inert matter)
Ø  निम्न सूत्र के उपयोग से भौतिक शुद्धता प्रतिशत निकाल सकते हैं:-
(Physical purity percentage can be calculated using the following formula: -)
e. बीज ओज परीक्षण (Seed Vigor Test):-
Ø  यह परीक्षण इस सिद्धान्त पर आधारित है कि अनुकूल वातावरण में कमजोर बीजों की तुलना में ओजपूर्ण बीज अधिक तीव्र दर से वृद्धि करते हैं। इस प्रकार ओजपूर्ण बीज शीघ्रता से अंकुरित  उपपाचयित होकर खेत में   स्थापित होते हैं।
(This test is based on the principle that vigorous seeds grow at a more rapid rate than weak seeds in a favourable environment. In this way, vigorous seeds germinate and grow quickly and are metabolized in the field.)
Ø  विधि (Procedure):- इसमें 3 मुख्य चरण होते हैं –
(It has 3 main steps -)
i. प्रतिदिन निकलने वाले अंकुरों की संख्या को गिनते हैं।
(Count the number of seedlings produced daily.)
ii. प्रत्येक बीज ढेर का अंकुरण प्रतिशत ज्ञात करते हैं।
(Find the germination percentage of each seed lot.)
iii. प्रत्येक बीज ढेर के लिए औसत अंकुर लंबाई मिलीमीटर में ज्ञात करते हैं।
(Determine the average seedling length in mm for each seed lot.)
Ø  निम्न सूत्र के उपयोग से अंकुरण सूचकांक निकालते हैं:-
(Calculate the germination index using the following formula: -)
Ø  अब बीज ढेरों की तुलना करते हैं।
(Now compare different seed lots.)
Ø  निम्न सूत्र के उपयोग से बीज ओज सूचकांक निकालते हैं:-
(Calculate the seed vigour index using the following formula:-)
Ø  अब बीज ढेरों की तुलना करते हैं।
(Now compare different seed lots.)
f. बीज स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण (Seed Health Test):-
Ø  बीज स्वास्थ्य बीज ढेर की एक स्थिति है जो बीज की सतह पर बीज जनित रोगजनक कि उपस्थिति या अनुपस्थिति को दर्शाती है।
(Seed health is a condition of seed lot that refers to the presence or absence of a seed-borne pathogen on the surface of the seed.)
Ø  इस परीक्षण का मुख्य उदेश्य यह पता लगाना है कि दिया गया बीज ढेर बीज जनित रोगजनक से संक्रमित है अथवा नहीं।
(The main objective of this test is to find out if a given seed lot is infected with a seed borne pathogen or not.)
Ø  इस परीक्षण के लिए अनेक विधियों का उपयोग किया जाता है। परन्तु हम यहाँ ब्लोटर विधि का उपयोग करेंगे।
(Several methods are used for this test. But we will use the blotter method here.)
Ø  ब्लोटर विधि (Blotter method):-
i. इस विधि में सबसे पहले बीजों को 0.001% Hg2Cl2 विलयन या 10% Clorox विलयन डुबोकर इनका सतही निर्जमीकरण करते हैं।
(In this method, the seeds are first surface sterilized by dipping in 0.001% Hg2Cl2 solution or 10% Clorox solution.)
ii. अब बीजों के एक पेट्रीडिश में नम ब्लोटिंग पेपर की तीन परतों पर अंकुरित कराते हैं। तीन परते होने से बीजों   को लम्बे समय तक नमी मिलती रहती है।
(Now germinate seeds on three layers of moist blotting paper in a patridish. Due to having three layers, the seeds get moisture for a long time.)
iii. अब इस पेट्रीडिश को इंक्यूबेटर में 7 दिन तक रखते हैं।
(Now kept this patridish in incubator for 7 days.)
iv. 7 दिन के पश्चात हम देखते हैं कि कुछ बीज अंकुरित हो गए हैं  कुछ बीज अंकुरित नहीं हुए हैं। अब अंकुरित   बीजों का प्रतिशत निकाल लेते हैं।
(After 7 days we see that some seeds are germinated and some seeds do not. Now find out the percentage of germinated seeds.)
v. अब निम्न सूत्र के उपयोग से स्वस्थ बीजों का प्रतिशत निकाल लेते हैं:-
(Now calculate the percentage of healthy seeds using the following formula: -)
 g. ग्रो आउट परीक्षण (Grow Out Test):-
Ø  बीज उत्पादन के लिए समय समय पर GOT के द्वारा आनुवांशिक शुद्धता परीक्षण करना अनिवार्य है। ताकि   यह सुनिश्चित किया जा सके कि यह किस्म सत्य रूप में अनुरक्षित है या नहीं।
(It is mandatory to periodically conduct genetic purity testing by the GOT for seed production. So that it can be ensured that whether this variety is maintained in true form or not.)
Ø  ग्रो आउट परीक्षण अनिवार्य होता है:-
(A Grow Out test is mandatory: -)
i. उन संकरों के लिए जिन्हें हस्त विपुंसन  हस्त परागण के द्वारा उत्पन्न किया गया है।
(For hybrids that have been produced by hand emasculation and hand pollination.)
ii. उन जनक वंशक्रमों की शुद्धता के परीक्षण के लिए जिन्हें संकर बीज उत्पादन में उपयोग किया जाना है।
(For testing the purity of parent lines that are to be used in hybrid seed production.)


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