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General Procedure of Foundation and Certified Seed Production

आधार  प्रमाणीकृत बीज उत्पादन की सामान्य विधि (General Procedure of Foundation and Certified Seed Production):-
1. बीज स्त्रोत (Seed Source)
2. खेत का चयन (Field Selection)
3. पृथक्करण (Isolation)
4. खेत प्रक्रियाएं (Farm Operations)
5. रोगिंग (Rogueing)
6. कटाई  गहाई (Harvesting and Threshing)
1. बीज स्त्रोत (Seed Source):-
·   प्रमाणीकृत संस्था द्वारा मान्य स्त्रोत से ही बीज लेकर आधार  प्रमाणीकृत बीज का उत्पादन किया जाना चाहिये ताकि आनुवांशिक शुद्धता को बनाकर रखा जा सके।
(The foundation and certified seed should be produced by taking the seeds from the source approved by the certification agency so that the genetic purity can be maintained.)
·   आधार बीज उत्पादन के लिए प्रजनक बीज का उपयोग किया जाता है।
(Breeder seed is used for foundation seed production.)
·   प्रमाणीकृत बीज उत्पादन के लिए आधार बीज का उपयोग किया जाता है।
(Foundation seeds are used for certified seed production.)
·   थैलों पर टैग या लेबल से शुद्धता की जाँच कर ली जाती है। बुवाई के बाद लेबल संभालकर रखे जाते हैं।
(Accuracy is checked with tags or labels on the bags. Labels are kept after sowing.)
2. खेत का चयन (Field Selection):-
·   खेत की स्थिति पृथक्करण आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप होनी चाहिए।
(The location of the field should be according to isolation requirements.)
·   खेत में पिछले वर्ष वही फसल  उगाई गई हो।
(The same crop has not been grown in the field last year.)
·   खेत स्वंय उगे अन्य पौधों  खरपतवारों से मुक्त हो।
(The field should be free from other plants and weeds.)
·   मृदा की उर्वरता बीज फसल के अनुरूप हो।
(The fertility of the soil should be according to the seed crop.)
·   खेत की मृदा मृदाजन्य कीटों  रोगों से मुक्त हो।
(The soil of the field should be free from soil insects and diseases.)
3. पृथक्करण (Isolation):-
·   बीज फसल में निम्न तीन कारक संदूषण फैला सकते हैं –
(The following three factors can spread contamination in a seed crop -)
i. अवांछित परपरागण द्वारा संदूषण
(Contamination by undesired pollination)
ii. कटाई  गहाई के समय अन्य बीजों से मिश्रण
(Mixing with other seeds at the time of harvesting and threshing)
iii. रोगों का फैलाव
(Spread of diseases)
·   उपरोक्त तीनों कारकों द्वारा संदूषण को रोकने के लिए पृथक्करण दूरी का उपयोग किया जाता है।
(Isolation distance is used to prevent contamination by the above three factors.)
·   प्रत्येक बीज फसल के लिए आधार बीज उत्पादन  प्रमाणीकृत बीज उत्पादन में पृथक्करण दूरी अलग – अलग होती है।
(Isolation distance varies in foundation seed production and certified seed production for each seed crop.)
4. खेत प्रक्रियाएं (Farm Operations):-
a. खेत की तैयारी (Field Preparation)
b. बुवाई (Sowing)
c. उर्वरक (Fertilizers)
d. सिंचाई (Irrigation)
e. पादप सुरक्षा (Plant Protection)
a. खेत की तैयारी (Field Preparation):-
Ø  खेत को तैयार करने के लिए उपयुक्त नमी अवस्था में खेत की जुताई करके खेत को समतल कर लेते हैं।
(To prepare the field, plow and level the field in suitable moisture condition.)
Ø  अच्छा खेत तैयार होने से अच्छा बीज अंकुरण होता है। जिससे खरपतवार रोकथाम  जल प्रबंधन में सहायता मिलती है।
(Good field preparation leads to good seed germination. This helps in weed prevention and water management.)
b. बुवाई (Sowing):-
Ø  बीज की बुवाई मृदा की उचित नमी अवस्था पर की जाती है।
(Seeds are sown at the suitable moisture condition of the soil.)
Ø  बीज दर कम रखी जाती है।
(The seed rate is kept low.)
Ø  कतारों  पौधों के मध्य अधिक दूरी रखने से अवांछनीय पौधों को निकालने में सुविधा रहती है।
(Keeping more distance between the rows and plants helps in removing undesired plants.)
c. उर्वरक (Fertilizers):-
Ø  पौधों  दानों के उचित विकास के लिए NPK प्रमुख पोषक तत्व होते हैं। इनकी आपूर्ति के लिए खाद  उर्वरक देते हैं।
(NPK are the major nutrient elements for the proper growth of plants and grains. To supply these, manures and fertilizers are given.)
Ø  जैविक खाद के रूप में गोबर की खाद  वर्मी कम्पोस्ट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। इसे बुवाई के 1 महीने पूर्व खेत में मिला देना चाहिए।
(Dung manure and vermicompost can be used as organic manure. It should be mixed in the field 1 month before sowing.)
Ø  N – उर्वरक बीज फसल को तीन बार दिया जाता है –
(N - Fertilizer is given to seed crop three times -)
i. बुवाई के समय (During sowing)
ii. 30 – 40 दिन बाद (After 30 - 40 days)
iii. पुष्पन से पूर्व (Before flowering)
Ø  PK – उर्वरक बीज फसल को केवल एक बार बुवाई से पूर्व या बुवाई के समय दिया जाता है।
(PK - Fertilizer is given to seed crop only once before sowing or at the time of sowing.)
d. सिंचाई (Irrigation):-
Ø  पौधों  बीजों की अच्छी वृद्धि  विकास के लिए अनेक सिंचाइयाँ करनी पड़ती हैं।
(For the good growth and development of plants and seeds, many irrigations have to be given.)
Ø  अलग – अलग फसलों की सिंचाई की आवश्यकता अलग – अलग होती है।
(Irrigation requirement of different crops varies.)
e. पादप सुरक्षा (Plant Protection):-
Ø  बीज फसल खरपतवारों, कीटों  रोगों से सुरक्षित रहनी चाहिए।
(The seed crop should be protected from weeds, insects and diseases.)
Ø  खरपतवार नियंत्रण के लिए समय – समय पर निराई – गुड़ाई की जाती है। खरपतवारनाशी का छिड़काव भी किया जा सकता है।
(Hoeing and weeding should be done periodically for weed control. Weedicides can also be sprayed.)
Ø  कीटों  रोगों के नियंत्रण के लिए कीटनाशी  कवकनाशी का समय – समय पर छिड़काव किया जाता है।
(Insecticides and fungicides are sprayed periodically to control insects and diseases.)
5. रोगिंग (Rogueing):-
·   अन्य फसली पौधों, खरपतवारों  रोगी पौधों को समय समय पर बीज फसल से निकालना रोगिंग कहलाता है।
(Removing other crop plants, weeds and diseased plants periodically from seed field is called rogueing.)
·   अवांछित परपरागण  रोगों के द्वितीयक संक्रमण को रोकने के लिए बीज फसल की रोगिंग की जाती जाती है।
(Rogueing of seed field should be done to prevent undesired pollination and secondary infection of diseases.)
·   उन्मूलन (Eradication):- अवांछित पौधे को जड़ समेत उखाड़कर थैले या लिफाफे में बंद करके बीज खेत से बाहर ले जाकर जला देना या गड्ढे में दबा देना ताकि ये संदूषण  फैलाये, तो इसे उन्मूलन कहते हैं।
(Uprooting of undesired plant, enclosing it in a bag or envelope, taking out of the seed field and burn or burred it under the soil so that it does not spread contamination is called eradication.)
6. कटाई  गहाई (Harvesting and Threshing):-
·   बीज की पूर्ण परिपक्वता  उचित नमी अवस्था पर ही फसल की कटाई की जाती है।
(The crop is harvested only at full maturity and proper moisture content of the seed.)
·   यदि अधिक नमी अवस्था पर बीज फसल की कटाई की जाती है तो गहाई के समय:-
(If the seed crop is harvested at a high moisture stage then at the time of sowing: -)i. बीजों को क्षति होती है।
(The seeds are damaged.)
ii. कवकों  कीटों का शीघ्र संक्रमण होता है।
(There is a rapid infection of fungi and pests.)
iii. बीज की अंकुरण क्षमता पर विपरीत प्रभाव पड़ता है।
(There is an adverse effect on the germination ability of seeds.)
·   यदि बीज फसल की कटाई में देरी हो जाये तो:-
(If there is delay in harvesting of the seed crop: -)
i. धूप  वर्षा से बीज गुणवत्ता ही हानि होती है।
(The quality of the seed is lost due to sunlight and rain.)
ii. दाने खेत में बिखरने की समस्या रहती है।
(There is a problem of shattering in the field.)·   बीज की गहाई पक्के फर्श  तरपाल पर की जानी चाहिए।
(Seeds should be threshed on paved floors and tarpaulins.)


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