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Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Pulses

Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Pulses

महत्वपूर्ण दलहन फसलों का आधार  प्रमाणीकृत बीज उत्पादन (Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Important Pulses):-
दलहन फसलें (Pulses):-  चना (Gram), अरहर (Pigeon pea), मूंग (Green gram), उड़द (Black gram), मंसूर (Lentil)
आधार  प्रमाणीकृत बीज उत्पादन (Foundation and Certified Seed Production):- Lecture – 4 में आधार  प्रमाणीकृत बीज उत्पादन की सामान्य विधि प्रदर्शित की गई है। सभी दलहन फसलों के लिए सभी चरण समान रहते हैं। परन्तु कुछ चरण परिवर्तित होते हैं जो इस Lecture में प्रदर्शित किए गए हैं।
(Lecture - 4 shows the general procedure of foundation and certified seed production. All steps remain the same for all pulses. But some steps may vary which are described in this Lecture.)

1. पृथक्करण दूरी (Isolation Distance):- परपरागण के प्रतिशत के आधार पर दलहन फसलों में पृथक्करण दूरी परिवर्तित हो सकती है।
(The isolation distance in pulses may vary depending on the percentage of cross pollination.)

2. बुवाई (Sowing):- दलहन फसलों में बुवाई का समय  बीज दर फसल के प्रकार के अनुसार परिवर्तित होते हैं जैसे रबी फसलें, खरीफ फसलें।
(Sowing time and seed rate in pulses may vary according to the type of crop such as Rabi crops, Kharif crops.)

3. उर्वरक (Fertilizers):- विभिन्न दलहन फसलों को विभिन्न उर्वरकों की भिन्न मात्राएं आवश्यक होती हैं।
(Different pulses require different doses of different fertilizers.)
नोट:- नाइट्रोजन की आधी तथा फोस्फोरस  पोटाश की सम्पूर्ण मात्रा बुवाई के समय खेत में डाली जाती है। नाइट्रोजन की शेष आधी मात्रा पुष्पन के समय फसल को दी जाती है।
(Half of the nitrogen and full amount of phosphorus and potash are supplied in the field at the time of sowing. The remaining half of nitrogen is given to the crop at the time of flowering.)

4. सिंचाई (Irrigation):- विभिन्न दलहन फसलों की सिंचाई आवश्यकता परिवर्तित हो सकती हैं।
(Irrigation requirements of different pulses may vary.)

5. पादप सुरक्षा (Plant Protection):- इसे तीन भागों में विभाजित किया गया है –
(It is divided into three parts -)
a. खरपतवार नियंत्रण (Weed Control):-
b. रोग नियंत्रण (Disease Control):-
c. कीट नियंत्रण (Insect Control):-


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