Geoinformatics and Nano technology and percision farming Topics wise notes


Geoinformatics and Nano technology and percision farming

UNIT 1 .Precision agriculture: concepts and techniques; their issues and concerns for Indian agriculture; Uses of GIS, GPS &VRA in precision agriculture 

Unit - II Syllabus Crop discrimination and Yield monitoring, soil mapping; Fertilizer recommendation using geospatial technologies; Spatial data & their management in GIS.

Unit - III Syllabus Remote sensing concepts & application in agriculture; Image processing & interpretation; Global positioning system (GPS), components, and its functions.

Unit - IV SyllabusIntroduction to crop Simulation Models & their uses for optimization of Agricultural Inputs; STCR approach for precision agriculture

Unit - V Nanotechnology, definition, concepts & techniques, brief introduction about nanoscale effects, nano-particles, nano-pesticides, nano-fertilizers, nano-sensors, Use of nanotechnology in seed, water, fertilizer, and plant protection for scaling-up farm productivity.


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