Malus pumila

[Syn: M. commumis , Pyrus malus ; Family : Rosaceae]

‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. This is the old proverb which significe the 

nutritive importance of apple in human diet. Apple is a rich source of easily assimilable 

carbohydrate (13.4%) and it is also fairly rich in calcium (10mg/100g), phosphorus (14 

mg/100g), and potassium (120mg/100g). it supplies vitamin B and C. apple has been under 

cultivation since time immemorial and today more than 80% of the world’s supply is produced in 

Europe where the major producers are Italy, France, and Germany. Other countries which also 

produce apple are Hungary, USA, N.C.America, China, Old USSR, India, Spain, Switzerland, 

Iran and South America.

Climatic and soil requirements

Apple is essentially a temperate crop and grown in temperate region of the world. Under 

subtropical zone at an altitude of 1600 – 2500 M above MSL also, apple can be grown. Very low 

temperature during the bud rest favours better crop production. The typical temperate types 

require 1000 hours of uninterrupted chilling below 7o C for winter rest. After the bud break, 

during the growth, long day hours with high light intensity, warm days (not hot days) viz., 12 –

15o C and cool nights (not freezing nights) viz., 7 – 8

o C are favourable for production of quality 

fruits in large quantities. The freezing soil temperature can kill the trees. A well drained, slightly 

acidic (pH 6.5 – 6.7) loamy soil with good depth (45cm or more) is considered to be ideal for 

apple culture.


Apple varieties are propagated by whip and tongue method of grafting. The root-stocks 

are either related species such as Malus sylvestris (crap apple), M. prunifolia, M. sikkimensis or 

their hybrid derivatives or seedling progenies of cultivated varieties. The main aims in


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